Παρασκευή 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

How Can Devices Assist Patients With Parkinson

Due to the complexity of the disease and the fact, until now, no treatment has been found, treatments utilizing either a parkinson device or medication are the common option when combatting Parkinson’s disease, in conjunction with dietary maganement, since, due to its nature as a neurological disease that affects the brain, can affect the neurons responsible for controlling the digestive process and can as such cause delays in the emptying of the stomach or constipation. It is also common for patients with Parkinson’s disease to exercise, following instructions given to them by their doctors and occasionally without the need of physiotherapy, and even small – scale exercises can lessen the degree that the patients might experience the sense that their muscles are tensed up.

As for the disease itself, the benchmark regarding it was An Essay on the Shaking Palsy written by James Parkinson, whose name has been tied to the disease since 1865 by William Sanders in his publication in the Edinburgh Medical Journal and popularized by Jean–Martin Charcot. As mentioned above, symptoms of the disease’s early stages include muscle rigidity, limb tremors, the movement of the patient getting visibly slower and an increased difficulty when walking. The cause of the disease is until today, unknown, since both the environment and biological inheritance seem to play a role in its appearance. Many a kind of parkinson device have been developed to monitor its intensity or to keep it at bay of both invasive and non-invasive nature.

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